17-617 — Programming Quantum Computers — Fall Semester 2023


You can download all required reading in the Study materials at the faculty website.

  1. Introduction (August 28)
  2. One Qubit is Better Than no Qubit (August 30)
  3. Two Qbits Are Better Than One (September 06)
  4. Quantum Teleportation (September 11)
  5. BB84 (September 13)
  6. Quantum Arithmetic (September 18)
  7. Amplitude Amplification (September 20)
  8. QFT (September 25)
  9. Quantum Phase Estimation (September 27)
  10. Real Data (October 02)
  11. Quantum Search (October 04)
  12. Guest Lecture (October 09)
  13. Shor's Algorithm (October 11)