11-860: Quantum Computing, Cryptography, & Machine Learning Lab
Tuesday and Thursday (5:00pm to 6:20pm EST @ DH 1211)
Instructors: Daniel Justice, Bhiksha Raj, Rita Singh
TA: Sarthak Bisht
The first few classes will be done remotely! Do NOT show up to DH 1211 or else you will be lonely! Class can be found on Zoom right HERE.
Doherty Hall Room 1211
Important Links
Piazza: For announcements and communication.
Canvas: For those fun assignments that everyone likes to do.
Course Goals
Students will gain familiarity with current universal gate quantum computing tools and technology. Students will also become comfortable with several QC algorithms and their implementation on state of the art quantum computer simulators and hardware.
30% Homeworks, 30% Group Project, 10% Participation, 30% weekly quizzes.
Each week a quiz will be given. The worst one will not be counted.
Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Linear Algebra
Students will not need an understanding of quantum mechanics.
Note: The syllabus is subject to occasional change. This is especially the case in the latter half of the semester once your professors have become comfortable with the group’s overall skill level. Adequate notice will be given.
Basic course structure
Most weeks are designed to be 1 day of lecture and 1 day of lab.
Day 1: Transition from Classical to Quantum Computing - Lecture
Day 2: 1 Qubit Gates and Measurement - Lecture
Day 3: BB84, No Cloning, No Signaling - Lecture
Day 4: Setup and Single Qubit - Lab
Day 5: BB84 - Lab
Day 6: Multiple Qubit Gates - Lecture
Day 7: Quantum Teleportation - Lecture
Day 8: Multi-Qubit Gates and Teleportation - Lab
Day 9: CHSH and composing arbitrary circuits - Lecture
Day 10: Classical to Quantum Logic Gates and Circuits - Lab
Day 11: QHT, Deutsche’s - Lecture
Day 12: Deutsche’s - Lab
Day 13: Amplititude Amplification & Simon’s - Lecture
Day 14: Grover’s and 3SAT - Lab
Spring Break
Spring Break
Day 15: Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) - Lecture
Day 16: Shor’s Algorithm for Integer Factorization - Lab
Day 17: Quantum OTP, Q Secret Sharing and Q Secure Direct Communication - Lecture
Day 18: Quantum one-time pad - Lab
Day 19: Introduction to ML and QML - Lecture
Day 20: Q Optimization Algorithms - QAOA and VQE - Lecture
Day 21: Neural Networks - Lecture
Day 22: QNN - Lab
Day 23: GANS & QGANS - Lecture
Day 24: GUEST LECTURE - Intro to CudaQuantum - Monica Van Dieren
Day 25: GUEST LAB - CudaQuantum - Monica Van Dieren
Day 26: Advanced Topics or Hardware - Lecture
Day 27: Project Presentations (4/25/2022 Thursday)