17-620: Quantum Circuit Mappings

Mondays and Wednesdays (4:40pm to 6:00pm @ 3SC 265)
Daniel Justice


There will be an in person option at 3SC 265 in the ISR. Lectures will also be streamed and recorded, links to those will be on piazza.

Course Goals

Students should walk away with knowledge on how to map an ideal algorithm onto a circuit for a non-ideal quantum computer.

Students will gain appreciation and familiarity with the impact of circuit and gate mappings onto quantum computers. In prior classes students will have assumed an ideal quantum computer with perfect connection, 100% fidelity and infinite coherence times. We will explore circuits and algorithms that are effective in a non-ideal system.


90% Homeworks/Quizzes, 10% Participation.


Each week a quiz will be given. The worst one will not be counted.


Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Linear Algebra

Students will not need an understanding of quantum mechanics.

Expected familiarity in:

This familiarity can be gained from any Quantum Computing (and some Quantum Mechanics) classes at CMU.

Note: The syllabus is subject to occasional change.

Basic course structure

Due to this being a mini, we will do our best to skirt into a new topic each and every day.


Day 1 (10/24): Introduction
Day 2 (10/26): Quantum Adders
Day 3 (10/31): Utilizing Q Adders
Day 4 (11/02): Quantum Modulus
Day 5 (11/07): Quantum Algorithm Uncompute
Day 6 (11/09): Margolus Gates
Day 7 (11/14): Quantum Magic States
Day 8 (11/16): T Gate Factories
Day 9 (11/21): Intro to Error Correction
Day 10 (11/28): Lattice Surgery
No Class (11/23): Thanksgiving!
Day 11 (11/30): Guest Lecturer - TBD
Day 12 (12/05): Quantum Braiding
Day 13 (12/07): Overflow/Advanced Topic